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Mudman is a shaman from New Guinea and uses "Hua Hua Spiritual" fighting style. He is considered a holy warrior of his tribe, and fights in the name of his god, Fah Fa, to rid evil in the world. He resembles New Guinean headhunters seen in photographs of the island chain. He is also a homage to Daijiro Morohoshi's manga, Mudmen.
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World Heroes 2

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World Heroes 2 Jet, World Heroes Perfect, NeoGeo Battle Coliseum, Card Fighters Clash DS



Page Updated:  Apr. 27th, 2020

Mudman was a bizarre design from the get-go. He was the first "freak" character of the World Heroes series, and also perhaps one of the most memorable designs in the game. There are parts of this design that I like, and there are parts that I dislike... but Mudman definitely made the World Heroes roster more interesting.

I thought Mudman and the rest of the "heroes" would be left in a dusty corner of the vaults of NeoGeo history and be forever forgotten, but to my surprise (and everyone else's), SNK brought back Mudman in Neo Geo Battle Coliseum (2005)! It was pretty epic too see Mudman actually make a comeback, with an all new 2D sprite to boot. At the end of the day, he's still awkward as hell... but Mudman definitely has that originality factor.

Fighting  Style  /  Moveset
Personality  /  Charisma
Outfit(s)  /  Appearance
Effectiveness  in  series
Overall Score