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War Machine



A warrior outfitted in hi-tech armor, War Machine defeats his opponents with a powerful array of futuristic weapons. Tony Stark, the creator and wearer of the Iron Man armor, became overwhelmed with his numerous duties and needed someone to help him. He turned to his good friend James Rhodes, whom he met in Vietnam and who was now his personal pilot. Rhodes began filling in for Tony as Iron Man, and when Stark became an alcoholic Rhodes wore the armor full time. After several years, Stark finally overcame his problems and decided to once again don the Iron Man armor. Rhodes was given his own set of advanced armor, and adopted the identity of War Machine. Rhodes initially felt animosity over losing the Iron Man armor to Stark, but the two eventually patched things up and remain friends to this day. In the first Marvel VS Capcom, a secret character called "Gold War Machine" is playable with the use of a code.
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Marvel Vs. Capcom

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Marvel Vs. Capcom 2



Page Updated:  July 7th, 2022

Fighting games made "palette swaps" a pretty popular thing... and this one is 100% fair game! War Machine was a perfect candidate to be a "sprite clone" character. Iron Man himself was an awesome-looking 2D sprite in the earlier Marvel Versus Series fighting games by Capcom... so why not throw in War Machine into Marvel VS Capcom just to mess with everyone (and create a cool homage for old school Marvel fans)?  ;)

War Machine has the same normal moves as Iron Man... but shoots rockets instead of lasers. He also has that overhead super move which Iron Man doesn't have. In MVC1, he was a force to be reckoned with (especially when he's paired with Strider Hiryu for that duo super move attack - WOW chip damage)! Then there was "Gold War Machine" in MVC1 who had super armor but couldn't block (what a stupidly fun character). It was also definitely fun pairing up both Iron Man & War Machine in MVC2... double Proton Cannons are pretty damn epic. However, I'd say War Machine was probably one of the least-used MVC2 characters on the entire roster (since Iron Man was more competitively viable).

Fighting  Style  /  Moveset
Personality  /  Charisma
Outfit(s)  /  Appearance
Effectiveness  in  series
Overall Score