Black Hayato (B. Hayato) is an evil version of series protagonist
Hayato Kanzaki. He first appears in Star Gladiator as a
palette swap for Hayato. In Plasma Sword, he makes his playable debut as his own character. Black Hayato also appears in Card Fighters Clash, Card Fighters Clash 2, and Project X Zone 2.
In their final battle,
managed to implant a "genotype" microchip into Hayato. The microchip would take control of Hayato, transforming him into Black Hayato: a cruel and ruthless swordsman with a cold and emotionless demeanor. Like his "good" counterpart, B. Hayato fights with a Plasma Sword.
While B. Hayato is evil, he still hates Bilstein for what he did and swears he'll attack and eliminate anyone and anything who gets in his way. If the player beats the game with B. Hayato, he'll try to kill
June on sight, but the small bit of consciousness that Hayato has left will attempt to stop him. Should B. Hayato win, the effects of the microchip will remain permanent and the real Hayato will
be gone forever. In
Gantetsu's ending, B. Hayato is shown as a separate entity from the original Hayato, when he is actually in the latter's body.
In his own ending, after finally having had his revenge fulfilled, June Lin Milliam, who was Hayato's girlfriend, tried to stop him and return him to normal. After immediately spotting her, the evil swordsman attempted to kill her, but the last bit of Hayato's consciousness managed to stop him.
Knowing he would never be free from the chains that bound him, B. Hayato decided to cut ties with the original Hayato once and for all, by fighting a mental battle against him. After finally succeeding in bringing down his double, he will no longer feel the microchip, which means its effects are permanent and the real Hayato had finally been wiped out of

Updated: Dec. 7th, 2024
"Hayato... I've been watching you from afar. Now it's time to come to the dark siii-" ...why in the blue hell do you have TEAL-colored hair?
Bro, all the colors available in the rainbow and you choose ocean blue teal?
Nice. According to the story, this was all Bilstein's doing. On that note,
that's a funny way to get back at your arch-rival: Give them bright-ass TEAL hair. I get it now. In fairness, B. Hayato looks cool... for a space fish. His outfit and sword design
are actually pretty neat.
Strangely, B. Hayato really looks nothing like
but I guess his facial structure is the same. I still can't get over the fact that Bilstein is so much of an evil, conniving bastard that he gave his sworn enemy Hayato TEAL hair as an added bonus punishment. In closing, B. Hayato is a pretty memorable design of the series. Perhaps B. Hayato's most memorable appearance? A cameo during Hayato's LEVEL 3
super move in Marvel Vs. Capcom 2. Worth mentioning, the move is basically a "Reverse Raging Demon"... a similar input to
Akuma's iconic move. I always associate B. Hayato with Akuma, for that reason.
Style / Moveset |
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