When Cain Marko entered
into the secret temple of Cyttorak, he had no idea he would emerge as an
unstoppable force of evil. After obtaining the ruby of Cyttorak, Marko transformed
into The Juggernaut, and soon became a villainous arch-foe of the X-men. He is empowered with
magical energies and transformed into an immortal avatar. As the Juggernaut,
Marko possesses superhuman strength, being capable of shattering mountains,
lifting and using buildings as weapons, and extreme durability, which is also
amplified by a mystical force field that grants invulnerability (at its
maximum). When the force field has been temporarily absorbed by Thor's
Hammer, the Juggernaut's natural durability proved to be great enough to
withstand blows from Thor. The Juggernaut is described as physically unstoppable
once in motion, does not tire from physical activity and is able to survive
without food, water, or oxygen.
