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The character Spawn is the anti-hero of the original comic series by the same name created by writer and artist, Todd McFarlane. Spawn's first appearance was in Spawn #1 (May 1992). Upon his death, Lieutenant Colonel Al Simmons made a pact with the devil in order to return to the world of the living. But the resurrection the dark lord Malebolgia bequeathed was far different from anything Simmons had envisioned. His body, his memories, and even time were taken from him. His fate was to exist as a hellspawn. He was then sent to the 16th century on a mission to bring back the Soul Edge. Spawn had to obey his master, for it was his only chance of returning to his time. 
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Soul Calibur II
(Xbox Version)



Soul Calibur II HD Online, Mortal Kombat 11



Page Updated:  June 13th, 2024

I was never a "big" fan of Spawn, but I always did appreciate the artwork of the series and the natural coolness of the design... not to mention I've seen some badass Spawn figures & statues (up close). He's an interesting anti-hero of the superhero world, albeit a bit overhyped.

Spawn's fighting game debut in Soul Calibur 2 was nicely done for the most part. Although, he didn't quite fit into the roster as well as Link or even Heihachi, but Namco did a solid job with his moveset and made him a fun character to use. Worth mentioning: Spawn was one of the first ever "popular" guest characters to appear in a fighting game... and probably still is one of the most memorable guest characters the genre has ever seen.

Which is why NetherRealm studios copied the idea 2 decades later and put him in MK11... lol. To state the obvious, Spawn "looks cool" in MK11 and fits into MK much better than Soul Calibur. Too bad they made his play-style super slow and clunky in MK11. I'd rather play him in SC2 tbh.

Fighting  Style  /  Moveset
Personality  /  Charisma
Outfit(s)  /  Appearance
Effectiveness  in  series
Overall Score


Click Here for more Spawn artwork!