

Zero is one of the higher-ranked agents of "NESTS" and he supervised the creation of Krizalid. The designer, C.A.C Yamasaki, admits basing Zero off a certain character from the manga Fist of the North Star. He begins to secretly build his own weapon from NESTS' technology called the "Zero Cannon", setting it to operate. He sets his plans into motion in The King of Fighters 2000. There, he impersonates a military commander named Ling and uses his persona as a decoy to stop the military resistance against him. Depending on the actions of the player, his plans are foiled by either Heidern or Kula, who is sent to execute him for his treacherous acts.

The Zero in The King of Fighters 2000 is revealed to be a clone of Original Zero, who later appears as a sub-boss in The King of Fighters 2001. He was created because the supervising designer to his character claimed to be dissatisfied with Zero's design in 2000. Unlike his clone, Zero is extremely loyal to the NESTS syndicate and was disgusted to learn of his clone's attempted coup d'état. Willing to clear his reputation of his clone's actions, Zero is commanded to destroy the winners of The King of Fighters tournament. He traps the winning team in a space ship that was disguised as a blimp. When he is defeated, he urges the team to escape the collapsing ship and dies on board the vessel. The original Zero is voiced by Toshimitsu Arai, while the clone is voiced by Kinta Futogane.
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The King of Fighters 2000

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KOF 2002: Unlimited Match, SNK Vs. Capcom: Card Fighters Clash 2

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Page Updated:  July 15th, 2024

Judging from Shinkiro's official artwork... Zero kinda seems like a "nice guy". He seems like the type of old dude you'd see at a sushi bar enjoying some sake. I wonder what went wrong and sent him spiraling down a path of evil? (Reads bio.)

In terms of animation, the SNK artists did a great job with Zero as a boss of KOF. The way Zero fights with his cape is a pretty original idea, and his fighting style is portrayed very well in 2D form. Overall, Zero was a pretty solid boss for KOF2000 and fit well with the vibe of the game.

Fighting  Style  /  Moveset
Personality  /  Charisma
Outfit(s)  /  Appearance
Effectiveness  in  series
Overall Score