Adjutant to
self-proclaimed President Chipp Zanuff.
He is blessed with a preternatural memory, and can remember any facts after
hearing them once. Some refer to him as a "Human Database". When
Answer first met Chipp in the slum lands of South Africa, where Chipp was
trying to establish his new nation, he was poor and fell into a crowd with the
local criminals and gangsters. He found Chipp's incessant preaching irritating
and challenged him to a duel --- which he lost spectacularly. Following the
one-sided match, Answer eventually fell under the sway of Chipp's charisma. He
has since put his memory to good use in Chipp's service, and has sworn to put
Chipp in office.

Updated: Sept. 9th, 2019
Business Ninja"... Answer. If you can get away with looking this stylish, you can't possible have any haters. What a sick and stylish design; positively typical for an Arc System Works design... a design that speaks for itself. Words can't really do him justice. Sick moveset, crazy animations (and even some legit martial arts this time), badass
fancy suit, and overall sick character as usual Aksys.
I'm gonna learn how to play Guilty Gear someday. lol. Designs like these make me want to.
Style / Moveset |
/ Charisma |
/ Appearance |
in series |
Score |
