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Gogeta is the resulting fusion of two extremely powerful Saiyans, Goku and Vegeta, when they perform the Fusion Dance properly. His voice is a dual voice that contains both Goku's and Vegeta's voices. Gogeta is an anime-only character that never appeared in the manga. Gogeta's Super Saiyan 4 form is famous for his immense power and speed, and is often regarded as the series' most powerful character. Vegito is his fusion counter part.


Dragon Ball FighterZ




Page Updated:  Mar. 25th, 2025

This character has not yet received a TFG Review / Rating. Stay tuned.

Fighting  Style  /  Moveset  
Personality  /  Charisma  
Outfit(s)  /  Appearance  
Effectiveness  in  series  
Overall Score

Not Yet Rated

Gogeta Animations