Kefla is the Potara fusion of Caulifla and Kale. According to Vados, Kefla's power consists of Caulifla and Kale's power multiplied tens of times. When she is first born, Kefla herself says she feels infinite power bubbling inside of her, and
Goku remarks that her power is so high that he cannot sense a limit to it.
Vegeta also notices Kefla's strength during his fight with Top, saying that he felt "an incredible energy". On the sidelines, Kefla's power was enough to make even
Jiren twitch during his meditation.
In the anime, with the Potara earrings given to Caulifla and Kale as a last resort, they assume the Potara fusion right before they are eliminated by Super Saiyan God Goku. As Kefla is born, she jumps back in the ring, and after displaying her power, Goku shows extreme concern on his
face, remarking that Kefla has a seemingly limitless supply of energy. Wanting to test her new power, Kefla shows her immense speed, enough to catch Super Saiyan God Goku completely off guard. During a brief scuffle, Kefla shrugs off Goku's attacks, completely, calling them "lame", and knocking the Saiyan down. Kefla further pressures Super
Saiyan God Goku, forcing Goku to no longer prioritize his stamina and transform into Super Saiyan Blue. To combat this, Kefla herself becomes a Super Saiyan. The two fight an even battle, however one of Kefla's attacks forces Goku to go Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken. Kefla then defeats Goku with a surprise attack, and prepares to eliminate him, however she is
cornered when Goku suddenly regains his Ultra Instinct -Sign- state.
Kefla answers by further powering up, turning into Super Saiyan 2, her power impressing everyone, to the point she claims she could destroy an entire universe in a single shot, and proceeds to attack Goku, who dodges all of her attacks and lands a hit on her, with Kefla claiming that he can still do
better than that. Goku then surprises Kefla with a barrage of punches and throws her away. Kefla then proceeds block Goku's punch, only to be kicked away after trying to attack him, she then becomes enraged and starts further powering up and generating an onslaught of ki blasts and lightning bolts that covered most of the arena. Goku manages to
dodge most of her attacks, though he was slightly hit twice by her energy, he then starts to charge a Kamehameha while dodging Kefla's attacks. He then jumps in the air towards her, and she says he will not be able to dodge in mid-air and charges a powerful ki blast and fires it at Goku, who dodges it much to Kefla's surprise, and hits her at point-blank
range with his Imperfect Instinct Kamehameha, which throws her out of the arena and breaks her potara earrings, ending the fusion.

Updated: Feb. 8th, 2018
This character has
not yet received a TFG Review / Rating. Stay tuned!
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