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This towering Draph warrior belongs to the Society, an organization which hunts primal beasts. He has formed a contract with the seal weapon known as Great Scythe Grynoth. The intimidating size of his blade and his immunity to pain sap opponents of their will to fight.

Though his somber bearing and curt speech can make him seem unapproachable, he is in fact a calm, kind person who will always go out of his way to help those in need. His indomitable spirit, raw physical might, and inability to feel pain make for an overwhelmingly aggressive fighting style. Opponents are advised to approach with extreme caution.


Granblue Fantasy Versus



Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising


Page Updated:  Feb. 27th, 2023

This character has not yet received a TFG Review / Rating... Stay tuned!

Fighting  Style  /  Moveset  
Personality  /  Charisma  
Outfit(s)  /  Appearance  
Effectiveness  in  series  
Overall Score

Not Yet Rated


Vaseraga Animations