

Graffi grew up in the back streets of Port City, where thieves steal from thieves and thugs and gangs are your friendly neighbors. As an orphan, Graffi never had someone to look up to, but one day when a group of men in black suits raided the orphan house he lived in, a mysterious Ninja saved his life. From that point on, he has been self training to become a real Ninja. Little does he know, he is already a real Ninja of his own with unique skill sets. Graffi was trained in the Ninja arts by Mochizuki.

Blazing Strike




Page Updated:  July 15th, 2024

This character has not yet received a TFG Review / Rating. Stay tuned! 

Fighting  Style  /  Moveset  
Personality  /  Charisma  
Outfit(s)  /  Appearance  
Effectiveness  in  series  
Overall Score


Graffi Animations