latest V-Jump magazine has confirmed 3 new playable characters for
Dragon Ball FighterZ: Beerus, Hit & Goku Black. All three fighters
are from the Dragon Ball Super series and will bring their iconic
abilities to the upcoming 2D fighter. The V-Jump scans note that there are
still more character reveals to come. V-Jump also mentions that players
will be able to perform certain actions before a battle, which will
initiate a "Dramatic Enactment" - which is described as special
scenes before or after the fight.
At Jump Fiesta 2018,
Bandai Namco debuted a new trailer and 6-minute gameplay clip (below) showing the first footage of
Beerus, Hit & Goku Black, plus a look at some of the Dramatic

(click image
to open full-sized version in new window)
In addition, Bandai Namco announced the open beta for Dragon Ball
FighterZ will kick off January 14th-16th. Players who pre-ordered the
game will gain early access to the beta on January 13th. The official
timings for the beta in Europe are as follows: Jan. 13th 9:00 AM CET to
Jan. 14th 8:59AM CET for early access players. Jan. 14th 9:00 AM CET to
Jan. 16th 9:00 AM CET for everyone else.
Dragon Ball
FighterZ comes to Playstation 4, Xbox One, and PC on January 26th, 2018.
Stay tuned on for full continued
coverage of DBFZ.