The cowboy known
as Hol Horse is somewhat of a coward, insisting that he always work with
a partner or two. That way, if things go wrong, he can exit while the other
guy is getting destroyed. The Emperor is a handgun with unlimited ammo
and the ability to guide the bullets. The cigarette smoker shows up several
times in the series.
First he and his partner J. Geil meet up with the
heroes in India where J. Geil is later killed. After almost being killed
by J. Geil's vengeful mother Enya, Hol met up with Dio in Egypt. They had
an argument which resulted in Hol attacking Dio.
Dio frightened Hol with his incredible powers and the forced the cowboy
into forever declaring his loyalty. Hol teamed up with Boingo, a little
boy with a comic book stand named Thoth that vaguely predicts the future.
A prediction went awry and Hol Horse ended up shooting himself in the face
with his own gun. He somehow survived, but hasn't been heard from since.
He's playable with either J.Geil (Hanged Man) or Boingo (Thoth) as his
