Genbu no Okina (which
translates to "Old Man of the Black Tortoise") is a guardian of the
demonic portal known as "Hell's Gate". Years ago, he was assigned his job as guardian because of
his excellent sword skills. He
and the other three guardians stood watch over its seal for many years. For the most part,
he is peaceful and
merely likes to fish. However, 5 years before the events of Last Blade, a young boy named Kaede
came to see him. Kaede wished to learn about swordfighting, and Okina taught
him everything he knew, until Kaede was so skilled he could defeat even Okina. And then, out of the blue, Kaede went away again. Okina realized
that the boy was going for a reason, and decided to follow him, slowly
and surely.
Despite Kaede
preventing the opening of the Gate, it had still not been sealed properly. As
the oldest guardian, Okina was aware of that and knew that to properly seal
the portal, the legendary "Sealing Maiden" was required to perform
the ritual. He also discovered that an assassin called the "Messenger
From Afar" was rumored to pursue the maiden. Determined to fulfill his
role as a guardian, Okina set out on a journey.
