Demuth Beel Zebus Halteese is the younger son of
the Royal Family of Halteese. He was a lazy prince, preferring the easy
life of the castle. One day, Chester
appeared before him and explained that, since he never cared for the throne,
his two older brother were already going to take it, and that his chances
of taking it now were near zero percent. Although he offered the assassination
of one of his brothers, Demuth planned another thing: using a small territory
his brothers arranged for him to rule, he created a kingdom of his own, Maletta. After defeated the attempts of Halteese of stopping him, Demuth
planned on taking Halteese' territories during the chaos of the war.
Although he was successful
on assaulting Halteese' capital Epistema, his forces are forced back by
Grandall's units, lead by the Cadet. Upon his failures, Chester took the
advantage and self-proclaimed King of Maletta, leaving Demuth without troops.
Drunken and defeated, Demuth was left to die against Grandall's forces.
