There was a dark,
hidden place that sunlight barely ever touched. That was Miser's favorite
place. There in darkness--was that a gold coin giving off a faint glow? But
beware! The bloodied blade of "Red Crow", her weapon choice, was
shining alongside it.
Miser was part of a
band of thieves that traveled the world, but few knew fact. Even fewer knew of
the organization, which was shrouded almost completely in mystery. Miser's
upbringing, the master who trained her in swordsmaship, the circumstances
surrounding her becoming a thief... these are all untold tales, as mysterious
as the organization she belongs to. Of course, the name "Miser" was
not real name, and it was unlikely that her real name would ever become known.
Everywhere she goes, she takes gold and lives, the momentary gleam of her
weapon in the moonlight being the only sign of her passing. Miser is referred
to as "Number Five" within her organization and views her colleague Greed
as a rival. Her group opposes Yoshimitsu's Manjitou.
