

Rain fights valiantly for the emperor Shao Kahn, but it would be Kahn's own step daughter, The Princess Kitana who turns Rain against him. Like Kitana, Rain's origins also come from their former realm of Edenia. He learns that his father was once a general in Edenia's army and died at the hands of Shao Kahn himself. Enraged at the truth about his history, he joins Kitana in aligning with the Earth Realm Warriors. But his allegiance comes under question when he mysteriously disappears during an extermination squad attack. To prove his loyalty he embarked on a suicide mission to destroy Shao Kahn and end the menace once and for all.
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Mortal Kombat 3 Ultimate


Mortal Kombat Trilogy, Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, Mortal Kombat 9, Mortal Kombat 11: Ultimate, Mortal Kombat 1

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Page Updated:  July 6th, 2023

In the early MK series, we had a yellow ninja, a turquoise ninja, a green ninja, a red ninja... I see where this is going.... Midway's designers rehashed the classic ninja design once more to make a pretty purple ninja (besides Mileena) of course! At his debut, nearly all of Rain's original animations were borrowed from the other ninja-clones. However, Rain had a pretty unique moveset and mannerisms that defined him. Midway later reinvented him in MK: Armageddon, but like most characters in that game, he was a pretty hollow design.

Rain's redesign in MK9 was a much better, more fleshed out version of him. For the most part he's an entirely new character, but the MK dev-team threw in most of his original moves for the old school fans. I think Rain's MK9 stance looks a bit silly, along with his spammy "water attack"... is he shooting his opponent with a water gun? Really? lol. Otherwise, Rain was pretty cool in MK9. His MK11 rendition looks better than ever. It's cool to see how far this purple ninja clone has come since MK3: Ultimate.

Fighting  Style  /  Moveset
Personality  /  Charisma
Outfit(s)  /  Appearance
Effectiveness  in  series
Overall Score