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Azazel made his debut in Tekken 6 as the primary antagonist. He was most likely named after the famed demon in Judeo-Christian mythology. Little is known about Azazel's history, other than that he is the embodiment of the ultimate evil guarded in a tomb by Zafina, set to be released after the clash of "two evil stars".

Azazel looks much like the Egyptian god Set, with blue-gray skin, a large, spiked tail used for attacking, and huge spikes of ice/crystal growing out of his forearms. He also wears an Egyptian ceremonial headdress and loincloth.

Like many supernatural entities before him, Azazel appears to have the advantage of superpowered abilities over his opponents. These include a powerful stun attack (similar to Jinpachi Mishima), and eye lasers. He also has the ability to summon boulders from the ground and set them on his opponents. He can also summon scarabs made of ice to attack opponents and parts of his body get destroyed after taking too much damage.

In Tekken 6: Bloodline Rebellion, there exists a golden version of Azazel. Currently, it is up to speculation on how players can get to it. Its moves appear to remain the same, but Gold Azazel is reportedly stronger. The reward for defeating him is 20,000 G.


Tekken 6



Tekken 6: Bloodline Rebellion , Tekken 8


Page Updated:  Jan. 27th, 2024

The Tekken series hasn't seen a "monster" design since the likes of True Ogre in Tekken 3/TTT. After a more realistic approach in T4 and T5, Azazel arrived in Tekken 6 for an entertaining boss battle. I never thought True Ogre really fit into Tekken much, but he was always fun to fight against at least... which is what I think the designers were going for with Azazel. Azazel is a fun opponent not only due to his intimidating size, but also due to the fact that the player can extend combos by quite a few hits for longer-than-normal juggles. 

Aside from that, Azazel isn't that exciting... but he's not a bad in terms of monster designs. Azazel ended up playing a major role in Zafina's character development, with Zafina somehow using his power through her hand (which resembles Azazel). I definitely wasn't expecting him to return in TEKKEN 8! He's still a fun boss battle during some Character Episodes and players can still juggle him for more hits. Welcome back Azazel!

Fighting  Style  /  Moveset
Personality  /  Charisma
Outfit(s)  /  Appearance
Effectiveness  in  series
Overall Score