Brad Hawk is the main
protagonist of Urban Reign. His past is a complete mystery and he is
none too privy about it. He was hired by a Chinese gang leader, Shun Ying
to sort out the mess in Green Harbor. Brad's fighting style, All-Round, is
heavily influenced by Kickboxing, Wrestling and Submission Grappling.

Page Updated: Sept. 7th, 2019
Man, I loved Urban Reign... what an underrated gem of a game... right up there with
Viewtiful Joe. Anyhow, I'd say the protagonist Brad Hawk might be one of the weakest aspects of the game, sadly. He's not too terrible of a design, but... he has issues. Look at this dude. Look into his eyes. Brad Hawk has seen things. Things you never want to see. lmaoooo
His name cracked
me up the first time I played Urban Reign (along with pretty much
everything else in the game)... but mostly in a good way. I'm not sure that his sleazy snakeskin jacket is really working for him (where did he even buy that?)... but I suppose Brad's "gritty" appearance does suit the
setting of the game. What saves him as a design is that Namco gave him a hard-hitting, badass moveset and fighting style. The dude's a well-rounded fighter. Brad will Muay Thai roundhouse kick you in the head, then powerbomb your ass to the pavement! ^o^ Once Brad starts bashing skulls, his mediocre look can be forgiven. Seriously, if you missed Urban
Reign, you missed a party game better than Smash.
Style / Moveset |
/ Charisma |
/ Appearance |
in series |
Score |