A resident of
the Kaka village and member of the Kaka tribe, Taokaka is a cat-girl, wearing a
large coat that obscures her true face, only exposing red eyes and a row of
teeth. (Whether or not this is her true face is a mystery.) She wants to get
back the sky above her village, which was sealed off by humans building cities
above her village. She recently was sent by the Elder to retrieve the bounty on Ragna's
head, becoming a vigilante in the process.
Despite this resolve, she is considerably food-obsessed and forgetful, often
falling asleep on a whim, becoming hungry moments after a meal, or forgetting
details moments after hearing them. She is good friends with Litchi,
affectionately referring to her as "Boobie Lady". Although, she
doesn't seem to refer to anyone other than herself by name; she calls Ragna
"good guy", Bang "scruffy man", Arakune
"black squiggly",
and Jubei "cat person".
She is unable to recognize that Ragna the "good-guy" and
"Rawrgna" the criminal are the same person. Interesting to note is the
fact that the Kaka tribe, which she hails from, is actually genetically
engineered from the genes of the original Grimalkin (the name that refers to the
species of the Kaka tribe), Jubei, one of the six heroes. As a clan, they are
copies of each other and cannot reproduce above one hundred members.
