Heihachi Mishima & Statler



If you've ever seen a Muppets movie, you'll immediately recognize Statler as one of the two disagreeable old men who always heckled the rest of the cast (and seems like the kind of guy who would throw his son into a volcano from a very high place). In fact, Heihachi Mishima and Statler are probably close to the same age and have the same political views.

But I digress... the most important thing here is the way Capcom's 3D artists, lead by none other than Yoshinori Ono, rendered Heihachi's face in Street Fighter X Tekken. Actually, several SFXT cast members ended up looking like muppets in that game. (Hard to take the game seriously with graphics like that.) I'm sorry that you'll never be able to unsee Heihachi's big flappy jaw and beady eyes perfectly fitting into the cast of The Muppets, all thanks to Capcom. After looking at SFxT Heihachi and Statler side by side, I've come to the conclusion that they share the exact same double chin and nose shape... WTF Capcom. 


Clayton & Rolento


If Rolento took off his hat and grew out his mustache, he might be a carbon copy of Clayton from Disney's Tarzan. For the record, Clayton's design came out in 1999 when Tarzan was released, while Rolento debuted in 1996 in SFA2. I doubt the Disney animators were playing SFA2 enough to be inspired by Rolento's design, but I guess ya never know.


Kenshin & Baiken


Baiken shares many attributes to Kenshin from the manga/anime, Rurouni Kenshin. I heard that Baiken even has the same voice actor as Kenshin in the original Guilty Gear... making this one obviously intentional. And in case you didn't notice, their names even have a similar ring.


Fred Jones & Cody

Scooby Doo's own Fred Jones' original outfit shares the same color scheme as Cody's original outfit from Final Fight... but it doesn't stop there! In the later Scooby Doo animated series, Fred wears a blue & white striped shirt similar to Cody's SFA3 outfit! And then I found a random screen grab of Fred wearing cuffs.....

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