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PERSONAL INFORMATION uses third-party advertising companies to serve ads to visitors which helps support our site. These companies may use information from visitors to this and other websites to provide advertisements about related goods and services. This information does not include your name, address, email address, or telephone number. Some of these advertisers may be served from our third party advertiser, you can view their privacy policy and cookie policy here. You can manage your cookie settings here: Manage Cookie Settings


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Publisher Collective / Network N provides advertisements on
Here is the link to read Publisher Collective's privacy policy.

LINKS contains links to other websites. The views expressed on those websites do not reflect the views of anyone affiliated with The Fighters Generation. We are not responsible for the privacy terms or content of any linked websites.

FAN ART accepts fan artwork submitted by visitors. The artists responsible for the artworks usually provide their pen names or other aliases. By default, an artist's real name will not be listed. If you decide to send fan art to this website and it is posted here, your real name and email will not be shared with a third party. Several artists under this category are listed on the Credits page.



In the future, there may be changes made to this privacy policy to accommodate changes to the website and/or the handling of advertising. Whenever this occurs, the changes will be made directly to this page, and will always be available.

