German Bandai Namco Twitter page unveiled the roster for the Dragon
Ball FighterZ 2018 open beta. First off, new playable characters that
didn't appear in the previous beta include: Kid Buu, Nappa, Adult Gohan
& Beerus. They will be joined by Goku, Vegeta, Krillin, Piccolo, Adult
Gohan, Android 18, Frieza, and Cell. For players who pre-ordered, the
early access beta begins on Jan. 13 (9am PT). All other players can join
the fun on Jan. 14 (12am PT). The beta runs until Jan. 16 (12am PT).
Bandai Namco also confirmed the modes that will be available in the beta,
which include: Battle Tutorial, World Match, Replay Channel, Lobby Avatar
Customization, Stamps (Limited Set), Rankings, and 2 Dramatic Scenes.

(click image to open full-sized version in new window)
Dragon Ball
FighterZ comes to Playstation 4, Xbox One, and PC on January 26th, 2018.
Stay tuned on for continued