easy for some gamers to forget that game developers are people. In
this era, the long-term success of a fighting game depends on not only
initial launch sales, but continued support by the community via Season
Passes and DLC. Arika recently opened up about the success of Fighting
EX Layer on Twitter and Facebook,
stating the PlayStation 4 version met sales expectations (as they were
able to release Vulcano Rosso & Pullum as free DLC characters), but
was not a "jackpot" in terms of sales.
After teasing a possible 2018/2019 Steam release with up to 4k resolution
in a short YouTube video, Arika clarified they are sticking to their
original development plan and have begun working on a Steam version.
However, since they did not offer a Season Pass or paid
DLC characters, they don't currently have the funds to work on the
Steam version and the newest planned update (potentially adding
Terry Bogard and Sharon to the roster) for the game at the same time.
Arika is also currently developing the arcade version.
After taking
everything into consideration, Arika decided to prioritize working on the
Steam version. The main reason for this is that the arcade board used by
Taito runs the same OS as Steam. Arika has decided to develop this as
Version 1.1.1 (the current PS4 version is 1.1.0). Nishitani-san stated
that he wants to change some of the Gougi decks, which would lead to the
Arcade and Steam versions being 1.1.1 while the PS4 version remains 1.1.0,
meaning there would be a difference between platforms.
Arika acknowledged that this would upset PS4 players, so they
decided to push themselves to update the PS4 version to 1.1.1 as
well. Currently, the Development Team is putting everything they
have into releasing the same version over 3 different platforms. Arika
stated "There may end up being some slight differences between the
versions, but we ask for your understanding." In closing, Arika also
said "please understand that the reality that the development of
any potential updates or new content is based on the sales of these
upcoming versions."

Sharon concept
artwork for Fighting EX Layer
If fighting game fans
want to see Terry Bogard, Sharon, or other future characters and content
make it to Fighting EX Layer, they should consider purchasing the
title on PS4 or Steam and supporting the game. On that note, this basic
concept and mindset should be applied to all fighting games. If you want to see
a fighting game survive, get more content, and/or be successful enough to
have a sequel... buy the DLC or Season Pass.
Arika openly admitted and apologized that they have limited resources and
assets, being a small company. A gamer should respect this level of
transparency on honesty.
Stay tuned on
for continued coverage of Fighting EX Layer.