Johnny is the
captain of the Jellyfish Pirates, a group of sky-pirates sworn to help those
less fortunate, which happens to consist mostly of very young girls. Johnny's
flirty, debonair, swordslinging demeanor hides a man dedicated to the noble idea
of caring for others.
When he was thirteen,
a Gear killed Johnny's father, the only person who cared for him. His reluctance
to open his heart to others became stronger after this incident; his fear
of losing love again forced him to withdraw into himself. One day, he discovered
that there were many orphans just like him, and came to realize that they
may not be strong enough to continue living, like he had. From then on,
Johnny chose to follow his father's path and live as a man of compassion.
But, he does not share his past with anyone. It doesn't matter to him if
they are humans, animals, or even Gears; it is his duty to help those in
He founded his band of Sky-Pirates, and began running his Robin Hood operation
aboard a stolen hover-carrier later re-named the Mayship. The majority of the
Jellyfish Pirates are orphans whom Johnny adopted and raised, among them May,
the namesake of the pirates' airship. May harbors very strong feelings for
Johnny, viewing him as both a father and brother figure, and possibly even as a
