Guilty Gear XX Slash: The Midnight Carnival

REVIEWA refinement of X2 #Reload, Guilty Gear XX Slash yet another update to the XX series (shouldn't it be XXX by now?). Like the prequel, this installment retunes the entire character roster once again, adding several new moves for all characters. XX Slash also introduces a new character, Holy Order Sol (an alternate version of Sol Badguy). ABA from Guilty Gear Isuka also joins the classic 1-VS-1 format for the first time, and was also given some interesting new techniques.

You thought Guilty Gear was obscure before? Meet A.B.A.

The visual presentation is still what you'd expect from the series... high-res 2D character sprites with some of the craziest and most obscure moves you'll ever see in a fighting game. Indeed, XX Slash still looks "the same" as previous XX installments, but at least there are some new (and classic) backgrounds this time. Most importantly, XX Slash is one of the most well-rounded Guilty Gear installments to date, boasting the largest character roster seen in a Guilty Gear title. Additionally, the new character tweaks add even more depth to returning fighters. If anything negative, I'd say Ky Kiske and Anji are a bit over-powered in this installment.

I-No versus Zappa... (Not Frank Zappa)



Page Updated: September 26th, 2022
Developer(s): Arc System Works
Publisher(s): Sammy Corporation
Designer(s): Daisuke Ishiwatari
Platform(s): PlayStation 2
Release Date(s): 2005  ()
Characters Holy Order Sol, A.B.A, Sol Badguy, Ky Kiske, Millia Rage, Chipp Zanuff, May, Jam Kuradoberi, Johnny, Baiken, Potemkin, Faust, Axl, Anji Mito, Venom, Dizzy, Testament, Zato-1, Justice, Kliff, Slayer, Bridget, I-No, Zappa, Robo Ky, Leopaldon

Featured Video:

Related Games: Guilty Gear XX Accent Core, Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus, Guilty Gear X2 #Reload, Guilty Gear XX, Guilty Gear X, Guilty Gear X Advance, Guilty Gear, Guilty Gear Isuka, Guilty Gear Judgment, Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN-, Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR-, Guilty Gear Xrd REV 2, Guilty Gear STRIVE, BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger, Hokuto No Ken, Sengoku Basara X, Rumble Fish, Rumble Fish 2

Gameplay Engine  8.0 / 10
Story / Theme  7.0 / 10
Overall Graphics  8.5 / 10
Animation  8.0 / 10
Music / Sound Effects  8.5 / 10
Innovation  6.0 / 10
Art Direction  7.5 / 10
Customization  8.0 / 10
Options / Extras  8.0 / 10
Intro / Presentation  8.0 / 10
Replayability / Fun  7.0 / 10
"Ouch" Factor  7.5 / 10
Characters  9.0 / 10

 8.1 / 10

 Review based on PS2 (JP Import) version     


Final Words:

Back in the good ol' PS2 fighting game days, something about the many new installments and updates for the Guilty Gear XX series intrigued me. Especially this one (since it was a Japan import exclusive). Luckily, I had some friends who worked at a yearly anime convention - and they brought their modded PS2 with GGXX Slash... so I got to play this one when it was pretty new.

Short review: Holy Order Sol alone is worth the price of admission. He's a cool (and classy) new take on Sol Badguy, and has a lot to offer even though he's basically a sprite-edit of Sol (a damn good one, no doubt). I'm not a serious GGXX player, so I didn't notice all of the updates to other characters. But I did enjoy playing this game a while.

Much like Capcom did with the SF2 series back in the mid 90's, Arc System Works is indeed guilty of re-hashing (AKA "lightly tuning") the Guilty Gear X series numerous times now. For the serious players, it's a no-brainer and of course they'll want to pick up the latest version. For casual players, GGXX Slash probably isn't worth another buy (or going through the trouble to import) if you already own GGXX #Reload or the original GGXX.

A couple years after Slash... the sequel, Guilty Gear XX Accent Core continued the trend by adding another new character, new features & modes, and new voiceovers.
~TFG Webmaster | @Fighters_Gen  

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