Washizuka is second
in command of the Shinsengumi, a police-like group during the Bakumatsu era. His
position in the group is unit-leader and investigator. A master of
swordsmanship, he's a loyalist who value's his group's tenets as well as
Bushido. He is a firm believer in restoring order to Japan, and in the old ways
of Samurai sword fighting. Typically, he's a very serious individual. He is
extremely loyal to his Shinsengumi unit, and is a friend of Kojiroh
Sanada. Washizuka's design is loosely based on Hajime Saitō, one of
the main characters from the Rurouni Kenshin series. He shares the
distinctive X-shaped scar with the manga's protagonist, Kenshin.

Page Updated: Apr. 27th, 2020
Samurai are almost always "cool" in my book. As natural, stylish warriors who cut the BS and slice up their enemies without question... samurai usually end up being awesome fighting game characters. As a particularly "traditional" looking samurai, Washizuka follows suit. He's a somewhat
simplistic design and might resemble a few other characters from samurai movies, games & anime. In The Last Blade series, Washizuka adds authenticity and natural coolness to the game.
In a fighting game filled with mostly traditional Japanese designs, Washizuka doesn't need much else as a design. He's one of those "silent and badass" types that we've seen before... and it works for him. However, his personality is a bit quiet and dry - especially when compared to more vibrant
characters from the likes of Samurai Shodown. Thankfully, Washizuka's moveset has some interesting aspects and he definitely has some cool moves & animations. Although he isn't a "main attraction"... he adds something to the games he appears in.
Style / Moveset |
/ Charisma |
/ Appearance |
in series |
Score |
