James Marsters & Geese Howard
(Submitted by Aeijei)

I suppose James Marsters could be a younger, slimmed down Geese... they've definitely got the same slicked back hair going on, and they can both come back to life after being killed. Btw, I actually met James Marsters in real life... he's a pretty nice guy.


Sarah Michelle Gellar & B. Jenet
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Not the most obvious one, but I suppose Buffy looks like B. Jenet in a few shots... if you use your imagination.


Gackt & Kyo Kusanagi
(Submitted by Buddha-kun)

On the left, Gackt, a famous J-rock idol... on the right, Kyo Kusanagi from KOF '99. Both of them are Japanese pretty boys. Even though Gackt is wearing an outfit similar to Kyo's in the picture above and launched his solo career in 1999, this is just a coincidence.


Ben Affleck & Dong Hwan
(Submitted by Aeijei)

Well, they're both dorks... but Dong Hwan is a much better actor.

*Ironically, this Separated at Birth (and the one below it) was posted online decades before Ben Affleck played Batman and Jared Leto played The Joker. Maybe it's not a coincidence after all!


Jared Leto & Jae Hoon
(Submitted by Aeijei)

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Reaching a little bit perhaps. But you might say Jae Hoon from Garou: Mark of the Wolves and Jared Leto, the lead vocalist from the band 30 Seconds to Mars have similar hairstyles, but that's about it.

*Ironically, this Separated at Birth (and the one above it) was posted online decades before Ben Affleck played Batman and Jared Leto played The Joker. Maybe it's not a coincidence after all!


R. Mika & Baby Spice (Emma)
(Submitted by G.A.B.D.)

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Baby Spice should consider a professional wrestling career... she could be R. Mika's doppelganger. Besides the ridiculous pigtails and perhaps body type, there's not too much else in common.


Chris O'Donnel (as Robin) & Reiko

Live-action Robin from Batman & Robin (1997) looks to be ripped right off of Mortal Kombat 4's selection screen. Ironically enough, MK4 also came out in late 1997... was Reiko a last minute design by the MK team? I wouldn't be surprised. Another ironic tidbit: This resemblance was posted on TFG well before MK VS DC Universe was revealed. Too bad we couldn't see Reiko VS Robin in MKvsDC.


Laurence Fishburn (as Morpheus) & Darius

MK designers thought process on new MK character design: "Durrrr, The Matrix is coool, right? And Morpheus is cool. Hey I know! Let's dress up Morpheus in a ninja outfit and... new MK kharacter!" For the record: Morph-EUS is a cool character and Dar-IUS.... not so much. But hey, this was during the pinnacle of bad MK designs.


Fergie & Crimson Viper

C. Viper's face in the "original" SF4 artwork shares a striking similarity to the talent-less Fergie (Stacy Ann Ferguson) from the Black Eyed Peas. Thankfully, they changed up Crimson Vipers face in the final artwork... (Sorry Fergie). It's a close call, but I'm gonna go with coincidence on this one.


Robby Williams & E. Honda

I don't really know what this is doing here. . . But if you look E. Honda's face in Shinkiro's CVS2 artwork... well... Robbie Williams... maybe?


Bob & Fat guy on motorbike

Fat-guy-on-motorbike isn't really a celebrity... but he kinda is now. If only he was wearing Bob's default colors, this would've had to have been intentional. 

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