Raizo Imawano
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Raizo Imawano is the principal of Justice High and Batsu Iichimonji's real father. In Rival Schools, Raizo was working under the orders of Hyo Imawano, his nephew who brainwashed him as well as most of the student body. At the end of the Rival Schools storyline, Raizo atones for his actions and returns to his family.

In Project Justice, Raizo is not a playable character but he makes several appearances in the game's storyline. Kurow Kirishima's attack on Raizo is the cause of the events in the storyline.


Rival Schools: United By Fate

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Card Fighters Clash 2, Card Fighters Clash DS

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Page Updated:  Feb. 28th, 2025

Raizo is the only Rival Schools character that didn't return in the sequel, Project Justice. Is he dead? Cool story development! Raizo's first and only appearance in Rival Schools was memorable. He was the unapologetically "biggest" character in the game with shameless, ridiculous PS1 polygons that made the FF7 cast jealous. I was hoping to see Capcom bring him back in Project Justice just to see his character model evolution... ahh well. :/

Even though Raizo looked like a jumbled up pile of polygons, he was a memorable "Blanka-like" character with wild claw attacks like Wolverine. He also has ridiculous throw attacks and other entertaining moves. Raizo was definitely an "oddball" design compared to the rest of the original cast, so it's almost understandable why he was left out of the sequel. Raizo looks awesome in the artwork... I always liked his trademark "Capcom style" big-guy proportions. So what's up with his "Mech-Raizo" form? Would've been a sick unlockable character. 

Fighting  Style  /  Moveset
Personality  /  Charisma
Outfit(s)  /  Appearance
Effectiveness  in  series
Overall Score

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