Sarah Bryant is a
college student from San Francisco, CA that debuted in the original Virtua
Fighter. According to the game's story, Sarah, eldest daughter of the Bryant
family becomes suspicious of the circumstances surrounding her brother Jacky's
horrible accident in the 1990 Indianapolis 500. While investigating this
accident, a mysterious group called Judgment 6 kidnapped and brainwashed her.
Her innate fighting sense aroused by the brainwashing, Sarah was sent into World
Martial Arts Tournament to deliver the knock-out blow to her brother Jacky. She
fights with Martial Arts, which includes a bit of Savate, Taekwondo and Karate
Since the end of the
third tournament, Sarah has fully regained her memories. Life went back to
normal for all the Bryants, but Sarah still felt a twinge of uncertainty. Even
though she has recovered, she remembered all the bad things she had done while
under the Organization's control. Worst of all, she remembers trying to kill
Jacky. She is also unable to remember clearly enough if the desire to kill Jacky
was a result of J6's brainwashing, or if it was part of her own wishes all
along. When she finds out that Jacky intends to join the fourth tournament, she
decides to do so as well, so that she can beat Jacky and resolve matters once
and for all.

Fighter Remix, Virtua Fighter 2, Virtua
Fighter Kids, Virtua Fighter 3, Virtua
Fighter 4, Virtua Fighter 4:
Evolution, Virtua Fighter 5, Virtua
Fighter 5 R, Virtua
Fighter 5 Final Showdown,
VF5: Ultimate Showdown, Fighters Megamix, Dead
or Alive 5, DOA5: Ultimate

Updated: Feb. 8th, 2025
Should I be ashamed to admit that I had a crush on Sarah when I was 11 years old, in '94? :) Sarah was a great fighting game heroine for all the right reasons. Great kicks. Great combos. Spandex body suit. The 90's were good times. Sarah was the
token ass-kickin' blonde of Virtua Fighter since the very beginning. If VF2, I think she stood out as one of the best-looking video game characters... ever. VF2 graphics were amazing and NEXT-GEN. If you were around back then, you know. By today's standards, I'm
not sure if Sarah's blue spandex, full-body suit is as "cool" as it was in
the 90's... but nonetheless, Sarah still rocks the look.
Sarah's moveset was always heavy on kicks
and knees... which always distinguished her. Over the years, Ms. Bryant acquired even more cool new kicks, maneuvers, and throws... most notably in VF4 / VF5. Watching the evolution of her design was always fun. The VF team always did a good job highlighting her and evolving her moveset. Hey, Sarah was even good in DOA5... (and part of the
reason why I even bothered to play that game at all). lol ;)
Style / Moveset |
/ Charisma |
/ Appearance |
in series |
Score |